Josh looking out at all the other kids playing at the family reunion. (At this point, he was SO tired, he had only slept about 25 minutes all day! It was pretty rough...for him and Dave and I.)
Here is Dave and I...and Josh, going out on the 4-wheeler...obviously I wanted to drive!
I know, it's been forever since I've posted anything! Truly, June is flying by because we have been so busy. Since the last time I posted, Josh has turned 15 months and had his well-baby check up. He is now 31 inches tall (54th percentile), 25 1/2 lbs (65th percentile) and his head is in the 95th percentile! Growing everyday and never stops! The doctor was quite impressed with what Josh is able to do, and isn't concerned about anything with him, which always makes me feel better because I always worry he isn't doing what "he should be doing." Anyway, Josh is growing so fast and is so much fun. He is saying a few words, but he is mostly imitating people around him, and dancing to any kind of music. He always can get Dave and I to laugh throughout the day! We just love him!
Also, last weekend we visited good ol' Ephraim, Utah for the Gray family reunion! I know, EXCITING! You know, I never thought I'd marry someone that I'd have to go to Sanpete County for a family reunion! :) Actually it was a lot of fun. We went up past the Elk Farms and up towards the canyon and hung out at a "park". It was really nice. We got to drive 4-wheelers and shoot clay pigeons, and of course ate a lot of food! You know, I always think of myself as a "city girl" but when I get out there I always love doing stuff like that! I guess I do have a little "country girl" in me!
There is much more to tell but Dave has got to use the computer for his homework! He'll be done with this semester next Thursday! YEAH! Anyway, I promise to post more soon!