Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Josh's new talents!

Josh has decided that he can walk...I kid you not, about a two weeks ago he started taking a few steps here and there and now he walks EVERYWHERE! He honestly has great balance. He must get that from my side! (Dave knows he doesn't have very good balance...that's why he ran track! He had lots of speed, not a lot of coordination and balance! :) )

Anyway, he has been pulling himself to stand for a month and a half, he is talking so much...well, if you consider Ba-ba, Da-da, Ma-ma, Na-na, and Ga-ga talking!

Everyday Josh gets cuter and cuter, and his personality is coming out more and more every day. He is honestly so much fun to play with. I am enjoying this time with him so much. It's really fun to see what new things he'll do everyday and what new foods he'll eat! He isn't a picky eater, but if he could eat just goldfish crackers I think that he would! :)

Also, we went to his 9 month check up (even though is now 10 1/2 months old), and here are his most recent statistics: 24lbs, 29 1/2 inches tall, and 18 1/2 cm circumfrence of his head. I now call him my lollipop! (Large head and small body!) This check up was so nice, no shots! :) His 12month check up will be different though, lots of changes and lots of shots. yuck! I can't wait for him to be in a front-facing car seat, drinking regular milk, and no more bottles to clean! Can't wait!

P.S. Notice the cup in his hand? Well, today he decided that that cup is his new best friend! He carried it EVERYWHERE! It was really funny. Who needs to buy toys for kids? Just pull out random things and they'll love it! What a funny boy!


Tati said...

WOW! He's walking early--especially for a boy. I've heard from tons of people that girls walk earlier than boys, and even then it's around 12 months!

Souza Family said...

That video is so cute! That is awesome that he is walking already. What a cute boy!