Thursday, May 8, 2008

2 months old!

I can't believe that our son is now 2 months old! We took him to the doctor yesterday for his 2 month check up and for him to get his immunizations. Now, you would think that for me being a nurse, it would be easier for me to see my son get all of his shots, but it was so hard to see him cry that hard! He did really well after the appointment. He slept most of the day, woke up around 5:30pm screaming and crying. We gave him some milk and some Tylenol (yes, I'm not afraid of giving my son medicine!) and he was so good the rest of the night. In fact, he has been sleeping through the night for about a week! We are loving it! He is now 13lbs 4oz and 22 inches long. Our son is growing more like a shrub then a weed! (Not growing long, just wide!) He is so darn cute! We love him more and more each day!


MelissaC said...

Hey! It's Melissa Nuttall again. I seriously could eat your little Josh! Maybe we can just have an arranged marriage between Hallie and game! He's adorable! And you look so good. I'm kinda jealous!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little chunk! I miss having you guys 10 steps away. It is nice to not have to worry about leaky ceilings and you hearing the baby cry through the paper-thin walls though!