I just realized I'm doing these blogs out of order. Oh well! So, by the pics and details of the pics, you can tell we have been really lucky with Josh only hurting himself minimally in these last few weeks. Yes, he fell down my brother's flight of stairs...not just once but twice within two weeks of each other. It was horrible. Thank goodness he didn't roll down the stairs, he went down them on his belly. I truly have never felt worse as a mother when this happened. I honestly think my heart stopped when it happened, especially the second time because I was right there. Anyway, that was horrible!
The second accident happened on thanksgiving. He cut it open deep and I thought he might need stiches, so yes, we ended up in the ER on thanksgiving. We sat there for 2 hours and all they ended up doing was some dermabond (glue) to close it up. I was greatful they didn't have to do stiches though, that would have been pretty traumatic. (I think more so for me! :) Anyway, I was scheduled to work thanksgiving too, but ended up being oncall the entire day so that was a blessing. After leaving the hosptial we headed over to my dad's house to have dinner and then went home to put Josh to bed for his nap. And that was thanksgiving! That pic is after a few days, it looks a lot better than it did. It was really swollen, but I swear Josh barely noticed his eye was all swollen. He's a tough kid!
Anyway, Dave finished up yet another semester! Did really well! I'm so proud of how well he does in school. I can't believe he has OFFICIALLY 1/2 way through his masters program! I can't believe he has been going to school already for a 1 1/2 years already! Good job babe!
I'm pretty excited for Christmas this year for multiple reasons! I'm so excited for Josh to open up his gifts! It's a lot more fun to see that he gets excited about new toys and books! Also, I am SO excited...I get from the 24th-30th of December off! Yeah! I can't wait! It's about time! :)
Anyway, that's about it! Hopefully I'll post pictures of christmas and new years before...Valentines day! :) Don't hold your breath though!
Merry Christmas to everyone! Sorry no cards this year...the next 2 weeks are crazy! Maybe next year!