Sunday, July 13, 2008

Swimming time!

On saturday we went to the Roy city pool with my brother Chad and his twin boys, Riley and Braden. We had a lot of fun with them. Josh did remarkably well. He was so tired by the time we got home. Lets just say, he slept from 9:00pm to 8:30am the next day. It was awesome! I love spending time with my boys! Lots of fun!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's nice to wear them out so they sleep so well too!!!

Anonymous said...

Josh is such a cutie! He's gotten so big!

Unknown said...

Hey Nicole. It's been a while-- it's me Kellie (Isom) McClure. Looks like you're doing well and enjoying being a mom. It's the best isn't it. We just were at the Roy Aquatic center last week for a mini fam reunion. My kids loved it. Anyway just wanted to say hi.

Heidi said...

Hey Nicole! How did you know i was talking about you today!?!?! Some of my cousins (from my dad's side) were in town today (they live in Mississippi). We were talking about cousins and second cousins, and i told them that I met one of our second cousins in our ward! I'm glad you are doing well. Your little boy is so cute. We miss you and i know James does too! Thanks for being good teachers to him. Take care! -Heidi