Monday, October 4, 2010

September and October

So, September pretty much has come and go...and I can't be any more thrilled! I month of school down and 3 more to go! That is right, Dave is now in the middle of his last semester of classes! Oh my goodness, I can't believe we have almost made it! He has this semester and then during the spring he has another 3 month internship. But that is it, so hopefully he will be done with everything by the end of March. Truly, these last 2 1/2 years have flown by, and yet it feels like this is what we have been doing for forever! Anyway, other than Dave's school, not much has happened.
Dave did turn 29 years old at the beginning of September. Couldn't do much for that because I worked most of that weekend. I can't believe we are that old! :) Crazy!
I am again, just doing the same ol' stuff! Work, taking care of Josh, and being a wife as well! :)
Josh is growing like a weed. He is honestly such a good little boy. He is finally talking more. (Thank goodness! :) He is SO obsessed with Thomas the Train. Oh my goodness, I can't believe how obsessed he is, that is pretty much what he talks about! Also, he makes us laugh all of the time! He cracks me up! I love him so much! Anyway, no other news right now...and you might be asking, "I wonder when they are going to have another kid?" Ummmm, not for quite a while! NO HURRY right here! The thought of working late into the night, being so nauseated and throwing up all of the time, not getting a lot of sleep, etc, do I need to go on? Yeah, I can wait! :)
Anyway, here are just some random pictures of Josh...I know I am biased, but what a handsome little dude! :) Josh's new favorite spot...our bed! He LOVES looking at our old phone and the pictures on there!

Josh being cute

Josh showing off his Harley shirt

Josh loves sitting in his wagon, and making me pull him around the apartment.


Cody and Denise Valdez said...

Josh is getting so big! What a cutie! Glad everything is going well for you guys.

Rachel said...

Josh is so cute!