Monday, October 27, 2008

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago are:
1. Graduating from Layton High School
2. Going to Snow College (Freshman year)
3. Living at Castalleja Hall and hating every second!
4. Hanging out with some of my greatest friends! (Melisa, Ashly, Brandon, Joe, Jerrod, Jen)
5. Getting ready to say "good bye" to my Mom (she passed away in Dec. 1998)
5 things on my to do list for today are:
1. Feed Josh
2. Clean Josh's poopy bum! (My favorite!)
3. Dress Josh up in cute clothes
4. Come to work
5. Laundry
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. DIET COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Chips and Salsa
3. Potato chips
4. Tweerps (It's made by Twizzlers, but I can't find them ANYWHERE, and they are delicious!)
5. Licorice
5 things I would do if I were a Millionaire:
1. Quit my job and be a stay-at-home- mom; actually I wouldn't give up my career, just work on-call.
2. Buy a home for my family
3. Give money to my parents so they could retire in style!
4. Pay off my families mortgage's so they wouldn't have to worry about that stuff.
5. Put the rest in savings! How boring!
5 places I have lived are:
1. Layton, UT
2. Ephraim, UT
3. Logan, UT
4. Back to Layton!
5. No where else...yet!
5 jobs I have had are:
1. Worked at Surf-N-Swim
2. Maddox Chicken
3. Horizon Credit Union
4. Zions Bank
5. Sunshine Terrace
Now at Davis Hospital
4 things I'm passionate about:
1. Being a good wife and mother.
2. Being a good member of the church
3. Being a good nurse to all of my patients
4. Getting the most sleep I can possibly get!
4 words/phrases I use often:
1. "I love you!"
2. "Baby, you smell!" (Refering to Josh's poopy bum!)
3. "I need a nap!"
4. ????
4 things I want to do before I die:
1. Have more kids...not right now though!
2. Visit somewhere tropical...Hawaii, Tahiti
3. Be able to visit as many temples as I can.
4. See my grandkids grow up!
4 things I currently want/need:
1. More money
2. More sleep
3. New jeans
4. A nice and cheap apartment for my family and I!
4 places I want to see/visit:
1. Hawaii
2. Nauvoo, IL
3. Palmyra, NY
4. I have always wanted to take Highway 1 in CA (Pacific Coast Highway), and stay in bed and breakfasts along the way.
4 favorite restaurants:
1. Wingers
2. El Matador (In Ogden)
3. Juniper Take Out (In Logan)
4. Firehouse Pizza
4 TV shows I can't live without:
1. The Office...the best show ever!
2. Anything on the Food network...I know I'm a dork!
3. John and Kate + I'm a really big dork!
4. The Hills...thanks a lot Tatiana!
4 things you might not know about me:
1. I love to wear weird socks.
2. I am the baby in my family!
3. I play with the ends of my hair when I'm bored, nervous, etc. (I've done it since I was very little.)
4. I have to fall asleep on my left side, and my feet touching my husbands legs...weird!
Now I am tagging: Mekell, Tatiana, Malia, Trisha


Tati said...

You have to fall asleep with your feet touching Dave's legs??!?!?! Ya, you're definitely weird. lol j/k

So did you watch the Hills last night? I need to call you and we'll discuss what an idiot Audrina is now.

Souza Family said...

I love Jon and Kate plus 8 too. When ever I think having twins is hard or say "I wonder what it would be like to have one baby?" I turn on that show and tell myself to shut up :). Also, I love how Kate is so rude to Jon. Their arguments remind me a lot of Alberto and me.