Sunday, October 26, 2008


So, I have REALLY slacked off on blogging lately. I have found myself to be VERY busy with playing mom, wife and nurse! I have had lots going on, so I'll try to remember!

First and foremost, Josh is growing up so fast! I can't believe he is getting so big! First, I decided that he needed to get his haircut. His hair was sticking straight up and reached at least 2 inches off of his head. We took him to Dollar Cuts and this poor girl didn't know what was coming. I had JOsh sit on my lap and he SCREAMED the entire time she cut his hair. First she tried to use the scissors to cut his hair, but I told her it was just getting more and more uneven. So we decided to just buzz his head. It came out a lot shorter than I wanted, but now it looks so cute! He looks even more like Dave with this new hairdue!
Also, Josh decided to cut two teeth in about a 2 week time period! That sure was fun! Lots of ornery days! Thank goodness for Tylenol.
Then he had his 6 month well baby visit (which was about 1 month late, oh well!). He now weighs 22.4 lbs! He is such a big boy and is loving his vegetables and fruits! Now he is getting his little gerber treats. His can pick things up with his pointer finger and thumb! He is doing great! Also, he is JUST about to crawl. He is so close, I'm sure it's coming very soon, and there goes my sanity! Just kidding!
Dave has been very busy with school. He is doing great and loves what he is learning! I'm really proud of him.
I am just trying to stay sane! Work has been VERY busy! Lots of pneumonia patients! YUMMY! Oh well, I am liking my job. I'm learning a lot!
Anyway, I'm sure there is much more, but I can't remember right now!


Souza Family said...

It is good to hear from you! I like Josh's haircut. I am thinking of breaking down and cutting AJ's this week. I just don't want him to look to much like a big boy.

Tati said...

Josh looked ADORABLE at the shower. Thanks again for coming by the way. And I think his hair looks perfect--not too long, not too short.