Monday, October 6, 2008

My husband!

Where did you meet? Dave and I first met in Logan, at second dam, over a camp fire roasting starbursts...I know, weird, but kind of yummy!

How long did you date before you got married? Dated for about 7 1/2 months and engaged for 4 1/2 months...way too long to be engaged!

How long have you been married? 2 1/2 years

What is your favorite feature of his? Definitly his eyes and his smile

What is your favorite quality of his? His patience with me, his testimony, his willingness to serve in the church, and definitly...the way he treats me and Josh. He's so wonderful.

Does he have a nickname for you? Oh boy, this could be embarrassing! He calls me honey, babe, honey bunny (only when he is TRYING to be funny!), and occassionally he calls me baby.

What is his favorite food? Honestly, he likes anything and everything. His favorite thing I make for him is chicken rolls, or meatballs and gravy with rice. His favorite thing he used to get as a kid is pork chops and gravy.

What is his favorite sport? Football (to watch), but he loves track and field (he ran for USU)

When and where was your first kiss? In my apartment, about 3 weeks after we started dating.
What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Just be together as a family. We love to be outside (when it's warm). We love to go on walks (especially at the park), we love going to the temple for our "date night". Be with friends, playing Wii, watching movies, swimming, ...lots of stuff!
Do you have any children? 1 beautiful little boy, Josh (now 7 months old!)

Does he have a hidden talent? I don't know if this can be considered a "hidden talent", but Dave doesn't need a lot of sleep in order to function(unlike me!). It has been very nice to have a husband who can survive on only a few hours of sleep and still be functional! Also, his other hidden talent is he can change a poopy diaper in under 30 seconds! Well done honey!

How old is he? 27 years old (He's almost a year YOUNGER than me!)

Who said "I love you" first? Ummm, he did, but it's kind of a funny story. It was about 4 months into our dating life, at about 2am in my apartments laundry room. We were standing there talking and I asked him if he was "feeling" anything special about me, and he looked at me funny and asked "what do you mean". I then said "you know, LOVE?" He gave me a big smile and said "yeah, of course I love you." And then I told him I loved him too. Here is the reason I did that, I didn't want to be the first one to say "I love You", just because I was afraid that I would be standing there saying I love you, and not get a response! (Even though, I knew he loved me) I told him I knew I had loved him for quite a while and it felt so good to finally acknowledge our feelings! After that day, we say "I love you" every single day!

What is his favorite type of music? Dave really isn't "into" music like some people. (Neither am I) But I can tell you he doesn't like country music, it bothers him!

What do you admire the most about him? The amount of love he has for the gospel, and his desire to be a good husband and father. I also admire his hard work with being a full time graduate student, and being a baby sitter many nights of the week while I'm at work!

Do you think he will read this? Yup, he loves reading our blog!

I'm going to tag: Melinda, Mekell, Sarah, Trisha, Denise, and Malia


Tati said...

Hey, Susi emailed me and wants you to use this email for her instead for the blog invite:


Malia said...

Does Sarah have a blog that I don't know about, or are you meaning a different Sarah?