Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fun in Josh-land!

So the last few weeks (at least the few warm days that we've had), we definitly took advantage of the warmth and spent the days outside. Here are just a few pics of Josh enjoying new adventures outside. This first picture is when we went to the Layton park. It was a lot of fun. It took a good while to get used to walking on sand, but once he did he was ok. But since he is still very young, there wasn't much for him to do, so for his fun, he sat and hit this yellow hand-rail. It's amazing what entertains this kid! :)
Josh enjoying hitting the blue pole...I know, whatever entertains them...whatever!

Josh pointing towards the camera, he wanted to put the camera in his mouth...too bad! Notice the front-facing car seat! He LOVES being in the car now! It's so nice! Hasta la vista infant car seat! :)

Josh's new talent...sticking his tongue out as far as he can...what talent huh?

Yet, another talent, pulling one arm out of shirt all by himself! What can I say, he is our prodigy! :)

Anyway, other than watching our son grow up, Dave and I are about the same. Dave is doing well in school, and staying very busy with it. I am just staying busy with being mom, wife and nurse. My work has been insanely busy lately. Last week for example, Davis hospital has 110 total beds in the facility, and we had 111 patients...yeah, figure that one out! It SUCKED! Anyway, we still have to move and there has been nothing even close to what we have right now and what we pay. WEll, just keep us in our prayers, it will all work out eventually!

1 comment:

Tati said...

haha. Gay way. I love it! SO TRUE! When we gonna meet up again? You guys STILL have to come see us...it's been 9 months since we've lived here, and you still haven't visited us. HMPH! Some friends! haha j/k