Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Job

So I finally decided on a new job. I was offered two different jobs (the only 2 I applied for) and I chose the one that paid more and was closer. I chose to work at Davis North Hospital on the medical floor. The cool thing is that I will be trained on each unit (except the ICU and ER) so I can eventually work anywhere in the hospital. I will be working the 3pm to 3am shift/ 3 times per week. I know, I'm nuts doing a shift like that with a baby, but it's much better than working 5pm-5am. I am actually excited to get back to work because I feel like my mind has turned to mush since Josh was born. I like to be challenged and I know it will be good for me.
I am just really sad that I am not one of the lucky mom's who gets to stay home with there baby! Oh well, in just 3 years, I can then stay at home! ONLY 3 YEARS! YUCK! Anyway, you have to do what you have to do, to be able to support your family!
Anyway, so I am officially employed! YIPPEE!


Souza Family said...

Congratulations on the new job. I got a new job too. You are a good woman to have a good attitude about that schedule! We are coming up the 21st and leaving the 24th. We are hoping to be able to see you all on Saturday (23rd) If that works for you. The wedding is on Friday and Thursday and Sunday will mainly be spent traveling and helping out on Thursday with set up. We are really excited to see you guys too. I hope we can work it out this time! I love your blog and Josh is such a cute mix of you two.

Susi said...

Yeah for the job! I'm happy for you. It will be for just a short time. You can do it. I hope you had a grat birthday. Best wishes to you! Love you!

Tati said...

Congrats! When do you start?