Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lots going on!

This last week has been pretty crazy. First, Josh has had a runny nose for about a week,(I believe he is getting teeth!), then Thursday morning he woke up with a very distinct "barking" cough. When I sat there listening to him coughing like a little puppy, I remember learning in nursing school, barking cough=croup! I took him to the doctor, and sure enough he had it. They ended up giving him a breathing treatment, a shot in the leg and a chest x-ray. It was loads of fun! He is doing better, but it's been pretty rough. He sure doesn't sleep as good as he normally does...which we sure miss! Anyway, he is doing better day by day, but I am sure ready for him to be done with the stuffy nose and cough! I haven't felt this sleep deprived since Josh was a newborn! I don't miss those sleepless nights!

Just two days ago, I was noticing how all of a sudden Josh was now grabbing both of his feet! It is so funny, he finally realized that he could grab those toes! It's funny to watch.

Then on Friday, I had my first official job interview. I interviewed at Ogden Regional Hospital, for a job on the medical floor. They offered me the position, but I told the manager if I could have a week to think about it. I have another job interview at Davis North Hospital (here in Layton), and I am really anticipating that interview because I think it might be a better choice. Who knows! Well, I guess I am just not that excited to go back to work, but I know it is only for a while...well, 3 years! Lot's of mom's have to work...I guess I'm just one of them!

Then last night, Dave and I thought it would be fun to go hit some balls and the batting cages at Swan Lakes golf course! It was a lot of fun! I did pretty good...guess all of those years of playing still help! It was a lot of fun! I always look forward to the weekends, so I can spend my time with Dave! We always have fun together! Oh yeah, he did good too! It was a lot of fun!


Cody and Denise Valdez said...

That's great Josh is feeling better. It is always awful when your child is sick.

I bet you miss all those awesome softball games we played in Logan with our bank team huh!!;-)

Nik said...

I know how you feel- I'm doing the same thing (minus the nursing). What department at Davis? I have quite a few friends at the 'D' and I'd love to put you in touch or put in a good word- (like I have THAT much swing (; ) Good luck and I hope their offer is better!

Tati said...

Good luck with the other interview! :)

Doug_Jen said...

The thoughts of working are always hard to handle but you are right sometimes you just have to. A lot of moms have to and things are fie. Just the times right now alot of households are like this. You will do good and end up at the right job. Glad to hear Josh is feeling better. Good luck!

GO Gray's said...

That a girl!!! JOsh looks so cute!

Nik said...

Stephanie Tueller took them, she's out of Logan and I love her! I have a link to her website/blog in My Favorite Links section. We are in Clinton right now and I've really loved it. I think it is so funny that there are so many of us so close to each other and we don't see each other more often!

Anonymous said...

what a cute boy... glad he's getting better... sometimes with your family you kindof don't want to know all the bad health things you learn in school cause they teach you all the scary stuff... but glad you knew to take him in.

Susi said...

Josh is such a little cutie!! What a blessing in your lives! Congrats and good luck with the interviews! Keep in touch!

shanna said...

Hi Nicole! I found your blog from layton high's blog. Hope you don't mind me reading! It is so fun to see what you and your family are doing. Josh looks so cute and fun. Also wanted to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!

Shanna (Peterson) Johnson