Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wonderful holiday!
So we have had such a great holiday season this year. Dave and I decided that we wouldn't make a big deal about presents this year and just make a very LIMITED budget this year. It turned out really nice and we didn't have to worry about making sure to get a present for everyone. Instead we did very little gifts for everyone, including one another, and it was so nice. (I don't need anymore stress in our lives! :)
Anyway, a few days before Christmas we were invited up to Sarah and Chris's house in Providence and spent the day with them. We made homemade oreo cookies, made dinner and of course played their Wii. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunatly Josh started to get sick again, actually we think he didn't have a cold, he was just cutting 3 teeth at once...I know, fun for all of us! Anyway we had tons of fun with them and had tons of fun playing their new Wii fit games.
We came back and I got to work Christmas eve night..which totally sucked because I only had 2 patients all night... BORING! Dave and Josh went over to my dad and stepmom's house to have a big christmas eve dinner. They had prime rib and baked potatoes. Well, Dave was nice enough to bring me dinner, but forgot to bring anything for the potato and no silverware. Needless to say I completely appreciated the gesture, but didn't eat it. I didn't want to eat meat with just my hands and I have a hard enough time eating baked potatoes with stuff on it, let alone PLAIN! YUCK! Anyway...I got home at around 3:30am and then woke up at 8:30am. I was so excited for Josh's first Christmas. We had a lot of fun opening the few gifts we got each other. It was really nice. After we finished up here at our home, we headed over to Dad and Diane's house to have Christmas with them. We opened up gifts there and had lots of fun watching Josh enjoy his new toys and books. The rest of the day was just hanging out and enjoying our families company.
That is about it. It's been very nice and we have enjoyed spending so much time with family. Dave and I are so greatful for all that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with and feel so blessed everyday. We hope everyone had a great holiday and now, we wish you a Happy NEW YEAR!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
10 Years!
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Christmas...card?
So I saw this hilarious Christmas card off of my friend Mekell's blog where you download your pictures on the head of elves. Feel free to check our elf christmas card. I laughed my head off!
Merry Christmas! Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Our New Place!
So, since I haven't posted anything for a very long time, I thought that I should tell you all what Dave and I have been up to. Well, we ended up moving out on December 6th, and I had this great plan that I would take that entire week to move little by little. Well, then Josh and I both got colds. Yeah. So, pretty much my energy was shot, because not only was I still having to play "mom" to a sick baby, I also was working 12 hour night shifts at the hospital. It sucked! Well, to say the least Dave ended up doing most of the moving on Thursday-Saturday. Thank goodness for him! And we are so greatful for my dad and especially my brother Chad for helping Dave move all of the "big" stuff! We pretty much took all of Saturday and moved in, put EVERYTHING away and even started to decorate..thanks to my sister-in-law Kami! She put away everything in our bathroom and then helped me decorate! We have such a great family! Thanks to everyone for helping out SO much! And thanks to Chad and Kami we now have a washer/dryer and a "new" couch! Thanks you both! We love you guys!
Well, since we moved in we didn't have a phone (well I didn't, because Dave uses the cell phone and I'll use the home phone), and we didn't have the internet. So Quest came and set everything up and we were so excited, until we got our first phone call, that ended up being for the lady who lives upstairs. Yeah, no one had ever put in a second line! So we called up Quest and they told us we were going to have to pay $100 to have someone come out and put in our new phone line. And if we wanted to pay another $60 we could have a second jack put in. I was freaking out because that is just a ton of money! Well, thank goodness for my husband...and my brother in law Keith. He knew how we could switch some wires around and create our new line. Well after some time, Dave got it to work! We were thrilled! Thanks Keith! You saved us $160!
So now everything is set up and I can finally relax! It feels so great to live on our own again! Don't get me wrong, living with Dad and Diane was WONDERFUL and we will ALWAYS be greatful, but it really feels good to be an "adult" again, even if now we are really poor! It feels very fulfilling!
Dave is almost done with his first semester of graduate school, and he has done AMAZING! He has two more finals and if he does well on these 2 tests he will have straight A's! Well done honey! I always knew you could do it!
I'm just working. I have been able to float to post-partum and that was a nice change, from being around lots of really sick people! I love seeing all of those new babies! Lots of fun! Hopefully one day I'll be able to work labor and delivery! I'd like to see if that would be something I'd like. Those were some of my greatest experiences in nursing school, so who knows! Someday!
Josh is growing like a weed! He is now over 9 months old and he is wanting to walk! He pulls himself up and moves back and forth between the couch and the recliner and his bouncer. He is getting into everything! He will keep me busy very soon! He is so much fun and has such a funny personality! He always makes Dave and I laugh! We love him so much and we are so excited to have Christmas with him here! Even though he could care less what is given to him, he'd be happy with a box wrapped with paper, just so he could rip it open!
Anyway, this post is getting way too long! That is about it...even though I know I'm leaving something out!
More pics
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Exciting news!
So, we FINALLY got an apartment! We are so excited to finally have our own place again! It is kind of a neat story. It starts back even before we moved from Logan. Dave and I had found a basement apartment in Layton that was so affordable, clean and in a safe neighborhood. Well, we applied for it but we didn't get it. I was so sad because the more we looked for an apartment, I realized just how expensive rent is in Davis county. Well, obviously we still haven't been able to find anything that Dave and I felt like were affordable and safe. So last week I had mentioned to Dave, "If we could just find an apartment like the basement apartment, that would be great."
The next day I happened to look on and guess what, yup, that same basement apartment was back up for rent! So, I called the lady and she said that she remembered Dave and I from back in April, she said she would send us an apartment application.
Well, as of Saturday we now have an apartment! YEAH!!!!! We get to move December 1st.
Here is the low down of our basement apartment!
-2 bedroom , 1 bathroom (great sized rooms with walk in closets in both and organizer closets!)
-full sized kitchen (with a dishwasher, HUGE pantry)
-TONS of huge windows, so it doesn't feel so dark and "basement-like"
TONS and tons of storage!
Our own washer and dryer and more storage in the laundry room
Clean and safe neighborhood (it's actually in my old neighborhood, just down the road from my Dad and Diane's current house.)
Just down the road from my work.
And best of all, we are paying $625/month, and includes ALL of our utilities!
YEAHHHHHHHHH, I guess being patient pays off after all!
I'll post pics after we move in!
The next day I happened to look on and guess what, yup, that same basement apartment was back up for rent! So, I called the lady and she said that she remembered Dave and I from back in April, she said she would send us an apartment application.
Well, as of Saturday we now have an apartment! YEAH!!!!! We get to move December 1st.
Here is the low down of our basement apartment!
-2 bedroom , 1 bathroom (great sized rooms with walk in closets in both and organizer closets!)
-full sized kitchen (with a dishwasher, HUGE pantry)
-TONS of huge windows, so it doesn't feel so dark and "basement-like"
TONS and tons of storage!
Our own washer and dryer and more storage in the laundry room
Clean and safe neighborhood (it's actually in my old neighborhood, just down the road from my Dad and Diane's current house.)
Just down the road from my work.
And best of all, we are paying $625/month, and includes ALL of our utilities!
YEAHHHHHHHHH, I guess being patient pays off after all!
I'll post pics after we move in!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
It was such a fun day, and thank goodness I never got called into work! Great memories! I can't believe my baby is almost 8 months old! Time is flying by!
Monday, October 27, 2008
5 Things I was doing 10 years ago are:
1. Graduating from Layton High School
2. Going to Snow College (Freshman year)
3. Living at Castalleja Hall and hating every second!
4. Hanging out with some of my greatest friends! (Melisa, Ashly, Brandon, Joe, Jerrod, Jen)
5. Getting ready to say "good bye" to my Mom (she passed away in Dec. 1998)
5 things on my to do list for today are:
1. Feed Josh
2. Clean Josh's poopy bum! (My favorite!)
3. Dress Josh up in cute clothes
4. Come to work
5. Laundry
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. DIET COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Chips and Salsa
3. Potato chips
4. Tweerps (It's made by Twizzlers, but I can't find them ANYWHERE, and they are delicious!)
5. Licorice
5 things I would do if I were a Millionaire:
1. Quit my job and be a stay-at-home- mom; actually I wouldn't give up my career, just work on-call.
2. Buy a home for my family
3. Give money to my parents so they could retire in style!
4. Pay off my families mortgage's so they wouldn't have to worry about that stuff.
5. Put the rest in savings! How boring!
5 places I have lived are:
1. Layton, UT
2. Ephraim, UT
3. Logan, UT
4. Back to Layton!
5. No where else...yet!
5 jobs I have had are:
1. Worked at Surf-N-Swim
2. Maddox Chicken
3. Horizon Credit Union
4. Zions Bank
5. Sunshine Terrace
Now at Davis Hospital
4 things I'm passionate about:
1. Being a good wife and mother.
2. Being a good member of the church
3. Being a good nurse to all of my patients
4. Getting the most sleep I can possibly get!
4 words/phrases I use often:
1. "I love you!"
2. "Baby, you smell!" (Refering to Josh's poopy bum!)
3. "I need a nap!"
4. ????
4 things I want to do before I die:
1. Have more kids...not right now though!
2. Visit somewhere tropical...Hawaii, Tahiti
3. Be able to visit as many temples as I can.
4. See my grandkids grow up!
4 things I currently want/need:
1. More money
2. More sleep
3. New jeans
4. A nice and cheap apartment for my family and I!
4 places I want to see/visit:
1. Hawaii
2. Nauvoo, IL
3. Palmyra, NY
4. I have always wanted to take Highway 1 in CA (Pacific Coast Highway), and stay in bed and breakfasts along the way.
4 favorite restaurants:
1. Wingers
2. El Matador (In Ogden)
3. Juniper Take Out (In Logan)
4. Firehouse Pizza
4 TV shows I can't live without:
1. The Office...the best show ever!
2. Anything on the Food network...I know I'm a dork!
3. John and Kate + I'm a really big dork!
4. The Hills...thanks a lot Tatiana!
4 things you might not know about me:
1. I love to wear weird socks.
2. I am the baby in my family!
3. I play with the ends of my hair when I'm bored, nervous, etc. (I've done it since I was very little.)
4. I have to fall asleep on my left side, and my feet touching my husbands legs...weird!
Now I am tagging: Mekell, Tatiana, Malia, Trisha
1. Graduating from Layton High School
2. Going to Snow College (Freshman year)
3. Living at Castalleja Hall and hating every second!
4. Hanging out with some of my greatest friends! (Melisa, Ashly, Brandon, Joe, Jerrod, Jen)
5. Getting ready to say "good bye" to my Mom (she passed away in Dec. 1998)
5 things on my to do list for today are:
1. Feed Josh
2. Clean Josh's poopy bum! (My favorite!)
3. Dress Josh up in cute clothes
4. Come to work
5. Laundry
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. DIET COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Chips and Salsa
3. Potato chips
4. Tweerps (It's made by Twizzlers, but I can't find them ANYWHERE, and they are delicious!)
5. Licorice
5 things I would do if I were a Millionaire:
1. Quit my job and be a stay-at-home- mom; actually I wouldn't give up my career, just work on-call.
2. Buy a home for my family
3. Give money to my parents so they could retire in style!
4. Pay off my families mortgage's so they wouldn't have to worry about that stuff.
5. Put the rest in savings! How boring!
5 places I have lived are:
1. Layton, UT
2. Ephraim, UT
3. Logan, UT
4. Back to Layton!
5. No where else...yet!
5 jobs I have had are:
1. Worked at Surf-N-Swim
2. Maddox Chicken
3. Horizon Credit Union
4. Zions Bank
5. Sunshine Terrace
Now at Davis Hospital
4 things I'm passionate about:
1. Being a good wife and mother.
2. Being a good member of the church
3. Being a good nurse to all of my patients
4. Getting the most sleep I can possibly get!
4 words/phrases I use often:
1. "I love you!"
2. "Baby, you smell!" (Refering to Josh's poopy bum!)
3. "I need a nap!"
4. ????
4 things I want to do before I die:
1. Have more kids...not right now though!
2. Visit somewhere tropical...Hawaii, Tahiti
3. Be able to visit as many temples as I can.
4. See my grandkids grow up!
4 things I currently want/need:
1. More money
2. More sleep
3. New jeans
4. A nice and cheap apartment for my family and I!
4 places I want to see/visit:
1. Hawaii
2. Nauvoo, IL
3. Palmyra, NY
4. I have always wanted to take Highway 1 in CA (Pacific Coast Highway), and stay in bed and breakfasts along the way.
4 favorite restaurants:
1. Wingers
2. El Matador (In Ogden)
3. Juniper Take Out (In Logan)
4. Firehouse Pizza
4 TV shows I can't live without:
1. The Office...the best show ever!
2. Anything on the Food network...I know I'm a dork!
3. John and Kate + I'm a really big dork!
4. The Hills...thanks a lot Tatiana!
4 things you might not know about me:
1. I love to wear weird socks.
2. I am the baby in my family!
3. I play with the ends of my hair when I'm bored, nervous, etc. (I've done it since I was very little.)
4. I have to fall asleep on my left side, and my feet touching my husbands legs...weird!
Now I am tagging: Mekell, Tatiana, Malia, Trisha
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So, I have REALLY slacked off on blogging lately. I have found myself to be VERY busy with playing mom, wife and nurse! I have had lots going on, so I'll try to remember!
First and foremost, Josh is growing up so fast! I can't believe he is getting so big! First, I decided that he needed to get his haircut. His hair was sticking straight up and reached at least 2 inches off of his head. We took him to Dollar Cuts and this poor girl didn't know what was coming. I had JOsh sit on my lap and he SCREAMED the entire time she cut his hair. First she tried to use the scissors to cut his hair, but I told her it was just getting more and more uneven. So we decided to just buzz his head. It came out a lot shorter than I wanted, but now it looks so cute! He looks even more like Dave with this new hairdue!
Also, Josh decided to cut two teeth in about a 2 week time period! That sure was fun! Lots of ornery days! Thank goodness for Tylenol.
Then he had his 6 month well baby visit (which was about 1 month late, oh well!). He now weighs 22.4 lbs! He is such a big boy and is loving his vegetables and fruits! Now he is getting his little gerber treats. His can pick things up with his pointer finger and thumb! He is doing great! Also, he is JUST about to crawl. He is so close, I'm sure it's coming very soon, and there goes my sanity! Just kidding!
Dave has been very busy with school. He is doing great and loves what he is learning! I'm really proud of him.
I am just trying to stay sane! Work has been VERY busy! Lots of pneumonia patients! YUMMY! Oh well, I am liking my job. I'm learning a lot!
Anyway, I'm sure there is much more, but I can't remember right now!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Puppy or Cow?
So I bought this halloween outfit yesterday for Josh, and I thought it was so cute. I was thinking, oh he will look so cute as a cow. Well then I brought it home and looked at the tag and it said, it was a puppy outfit. Well, what do you all think it looks like? Well, honestly it doesn't matter! I think Josh looks cute no matter what!
Monday, October 6, 2008
My husband!
Where did you meet? Dave and I first met in Logan, at second dam, over a camp fire roasting starbursts...I know, weird, but kind of yummy!
How long did you date before you got married? Dated for about 7 1/2 months and engaged for 4 1/2 months...way too long to be engaged!
How long have you been married? 2 1/2 years
What is your favorite feature of his? Definitly his eyes and his smile
What is your favorite quality of his? His patience with me, his testimony, his willingness to serve in the church, and definitly...the way he treats me and Josh. He's so wonderful.
Does he have a nickname for you? Oh boy, this could be embarrassing! He calls me honey, babe, honey bunny (only when he is TRYING to be funny!), and occassionally he calls me baby.
What is his favorite food? Honestly, he likes anything and everything. His favorite thing I make for him is chicken rolls, or meatballs and gravy with rice. His favorite thing he used to get as a kid is pork chops and gravy.
What is his favorite sport? Football (to watch), but he loves track and field (he ran for USU)
When and where was your first kiss? In my apartment, about 3 weeks after we started dating.
What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Just be together as a family. We love to be outside (when it's warm). We love to go on walks (especially at the park), we love going to the temple for our "date night". Be with friends, playing Wii, watching movies, swimming, ...lots of stuff!
Do you have any children? 1 beautiful little boy, Josh (now 7 months old!)
Does he have a hidden talent? I don't know if this can be considered a "hidden talent", but Dave doesn't need a lot of sleep in order to function(unlike me!). It has been very nice to have a husband who can survive on only a few hours of sleep and still be functional! Also, his other hidden talent is he can change a poopy diaper in under 30 seconds! Well done honey!
How old is he? 27 years old (He's almost a year YOUNGER than me!)
Who said "I love you" first? Ummm, he did, but it's kind of a funny story. It was about 4 months into our dating life, at about 2am in my apartments laundry room. We were standing there talking and I asked him if he was "feeling" anything special about me, and he looked at me funny and asked "what do you mean". I then said "you know, LOVE?" He gave me a big smile and said "yeah, of course I love you." And then I told him I loved him too. Here is the reason I did that, I didn't want to be the first one to say "I love You", just because I was afraid that I would be standing there saying I love you, and not get a response! (Even though, I knew he loved me) I told him I knew I had loved him for quite a while and it felt so good to finally acknowledge our feelings! After that day, we say "I love you" every single day!
What is his favorite type of music? Dave really isn't "into" music like some people. (Neither am I) But I can tell you he doesn't like country music, it bothers him!
What do you admire the most about him? The amount of love he has for the gospel, and his desire to be a good husband and father. I also admire his hard work with being a full time graduate student, and being a baby sitter many nights of the week while I'm at work!
Do you think he will read this? Yup, he loves reading our blog!
I'm going to tag: Melinda, Mekell, Sarah, Trisha, Denise, and Malia
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ode to "The Office"!!!!

Haleluja, "The Office" is back on with new episodes! Dave and I were getting pretty sick of watching old episodes, so thank goodness for September and all of the new episodes! I just want to thank our good friends, the Southams, for introducing us to this hilarious show. If it wasn't for their encouragement for getting us to watch this program, we would be missing out on some hilarious moments! And also, thanks to Ben and Melinda for allowing Dave and I to borrow your seasons of the Office so we could watch every single episode from the beginning! Thanks to all of you for getting Dave and I hooked on watching Pam and Jim, Dwight and a now "slightly slutty" Angela, the greatest looser Ryan, Meredith, Stanley, Creepy Creed, Phylis, Clueless Andy, "mentally challenged" Kevin, Oscar, Holly, Kelly, prego Jan, and of course Michael! (Did I forget someone?) To all of you who watch this show, let me know what you thought of that great season opener, and to those of you who don't watch the show...get watching! You are missing out!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Great News!
So we have some great and exciting news...I'm pregnant, again! JUST KIDDING! k that was dumb, that actually would be my greatest fear right now! Anyway, the REAL news is that my husband Dave, did AWESOME on his 3 exams he had on Tuesday! I'm so proud of him! He had an exam in Anatomy, his disection lab, and kinesiology class. He got an A on all 3! Way to go Dave! I am so proud of you! I told you that you are a genious! YEAH!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
So this last week Josh has decided that he can sit up on his own. He really just did it by himself one day, it was crazy! He has such good balance already, he rarely falls forward, mostly just to the back. He can sit by himself for a few minutes really well! He is a strong kid! Also, I put him on the grass for the first time. He wasn't too sure about it but did pretty good, but after a few minutes he freaked out! He has been so much fun this last week. I think it is because he is feeling so much better this week. He has been so happy and laughs all of the time. It's great, and it makes you appreciate the times when your baby isn't sick!
This weekend has been a lot of fun. Friday my stepmom and dad left to Seattle to leave for there cruise up to Alaska so we have been PARTYING! NOT! Actually, I worked the last two nights (in the ICU...yuck!) so I was gone pretty much until Saturday morning. Saturday Dave took Josh and I on a Sam's club for a hot dog and drink! I know, what a sweetheart! :) Actually it was fun! Then our friends from Logan, Matt and Tatiana (who now live in Toole) stopped by and we visited for a bit. It was so fun to see them. We haven't seen them since we moved from Logan. We have sure missed having friends live close to us! Then when they left we went to dinner to Chilis with my brother Chad and sister-in-law Kami with their boys Riley and Braden. It was so crowded and Josh was SO tired and ornery! Needless to say, we ate VERY fast and came home and put Josh to bed!
Overall it was fun! This week is going to be a busy one. Dave has his first big exams on Tuesday...wish him luck! And I am working Monday, Thursday and Friday! Yippy! Life as usual!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Busy week!
So last week Josh decided to get croup AGAIN! I couldn't believe it. This is TWICE within the last two months. It really scared me because of his father's medical history!(Dave has asthma and allergies, great combination.) Anyway, this month we are going without health insurance because Dave's insurance ended at the end of August and mine doesn't begin until October 1st. I had a feeling that something would happen this month. This is the first time in my life that I've ever been without health insurance and I just had a feeling something would happen.
Anyway, a week ago sunday Josh started acting like he didn't feel well. I thought he was just teething (which I think he really is because I could feel bigger bumps on his gums.). Anyway, Sunday night Dave and I were up with him because Josh kept waking up crying because he had such a stuffy nose. Well Monday night (actually Tuesday at 2am) we woke up to Josh breathing and coughing just like he had the time before when he had croup. What a way to wake up to your son having an extremely hard time breathing. It was really scary. Well I tried everything, taking him outside in the cooler air, that didn't work, then turned the shower on and sat with him in the bathroom, that didn't work, and then opened up the freezer and sat there in front of the freezer to see if that would help...well nothing made a difference. We decided we needed to take him to the ER. They ended up giving him 2 breathing treatments and then a decadron shot (steriod shot in the leg). Once we left he sounded 100% better, so we felt a lot better.
Well, we got the bill this last week, and it was for almost $1000! I almost passed out! I called the finance dept and told them that I was an employee there, but was in between insurance. Thank goodness they decided to take $500 off the bill. We were so greatful! Thank goodness for me working at Davis Hospital! Anyway, Josh is doing much better. But let me tell you, last week Dave and I were living off few hours of sleep each night! It sucks! Dave and I realize now just how spoiled we have been because Josh is usually a great sleeper! It is really hard to go back to waking up 2 or 3 times each night!
Anyway, besides Josh getting sick not much has happened. I work 3 days a week...which also makes me much more tired and Dave goes to school 4 times a week. We are MUCH busier these days, but we sure feel blessed! Heavenly Father is definitly answering all of our prayers! Thank goodness!
Anyway, a week ago sunday Josh started acting like he didn't feel well. I thought he was just teething (which I think he really is because I could feel bigger bumps on his gums.). Anyway, Sunday night Dave and I were up with him because Josh kept waking up crying because he had such a stuffy nose. Well Monday night (actually Tuesday at 2am) we woke up to Josh breathing and coughing just like he had the time before when he had croup. What a way to wake up to your son having an extremely hard time breathing. It was really scary. Well I tried everything, taking him outside in the cooler air, that didn't work, then turned the shower on and sat with him in the bathroom, that didn't work, and then opened up the freezer and sat there in front of the freezer to see if that would help...well nothing made a difference. We decided we needed to take him to the ER. They ended up giving him 2 breathing treatments and then a decadron shot (steriod shot in the leg). Once we left he sounded 100% better, so we felt a lot better.
Well, we got the bill this last week, and it was for almost $1000! I almost passed out! I called the finance dept and told them that I was an employee there, but was in between insurance. Thank goodness they decided to take $500 off the bill. We were so greatful! Thank goodness for me working at Davis Hospital! Anyway, Josh is doing much better. But let me tell you, last week Dave and I were living off few hours of sleep each night! It sucks! Dave and I realize now just how spoiled we have been because Josh is usually a great sleeper! It is really hard to go back to waking up 2 or 3 times each night!
Anyway, besides Josh getting sick not much has happened. I work 3 days a week...which also makes me much more tired and Dave goes to school 4 times a week. We are MUCH busier these days, but we sure feel blessed! Heavenly Father is definitly answering all of our prayers! Thank goodness!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New Toy!
So I have taken many months deciding whether or not to spend the money on a bouncer for Josh. Well, since the last few weeks, all Josh wants to do is have me stand him up and I can't get much done. So I decided that I should try one (thanks to seeing one of my friends who bought one for their son and he loved it, thanks Melinda!). Halleluja! This thing is a life saver! He LOVES it! The first day we had it, he stayed in it for about a 1/2 hour at a time! That is a long time for him to be entertained! Anyway, it is really funny to see him in it. He jumps up and down and plays with all of the toys. It is really cute! Anyway, I thought I'd take some pictures of him in it! He never smiles when I take a picture, but I promise, he loves this thing! Totally worth the money!
Monday, September 8, 2008
First Bronco's Game!
So in tribute to the Denver Broncos first football game this year, he wanted me to dress Josh in his special Bronco's outfit. (We got this outfit from James and Trisha(Dave's brother and sister-in-law) last year for christmas...mind you, it is a 12 month sized outfit...yes, Josh is now 6 months old! He's a chunk!)
Anyway, we tried to have him wear the beanie that came along with the outift, but it doesn't even come close to fitting his head! It was funny seeing Dave trying to put it on his head! Hilarious! Josh wasn't too happy, but it's because he isn't feeling good! He AGAIN has a runny nose and is really stuffy. I'm pretty positive that he is getting teeth. I can feel them right under his gums. Poor kid...and poor parents, we are getting a LITTLE sleep. It really sucks! Hopefully they come through those gums very soon! Keep your fingers crossed!
Hogle Zoo!
This last Saturday we went to Hogle Zoo with my brother Chad and his wife Kami and there twin boys, Riley and Braden. It was beautiful weather and it wasn't too crowded. It was a lot of fun. Dave was more excited to be there than the kids! He was so cute! He hadn't been to a zoo since he was very little, so when he would see certain animals he would get just as excited as a little kid! It was way cute! Dave's favorite thing he saw was the penguins! They were really cute. We had lots of fun and can't wait to go back when Josh actually knows what he is looking at! He did so good there. He sat in his stroller for almost 2 hours straight, just enjoying looking at everything! He is such a good little boy!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Dave!
Dave is such a great husband and father. He is my best friend and I couldn't have a better companion for eternity. We always have so much fun together and love being with one another. He is such a blessing to me and Josh. I love you honey! Happy Birthday!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday Night Fun!
Saturday night we were invited to hang out with some of Dave's friends from the mission. Alberto and Sarah and their twins (AJ and Alli), and Eric and Dianna and their 2 girls. Anyway, it was a lot of fun to get to know them better and let the guys remember some of their mission memories! It's too bad that Sarah and Alberto live in St George, they sure would be fun to have as neighbors! Maybe in a few years we could move down there! Great idea!
Friday, August 22, 2008
New Busy Life!
So I started my new life as a wife, mom, and an employed nurse! Boy has it been insane. So my shift is 3pm-3am, boy it would be perfect if I didn't have to be up early with Josh! I've always enjoyed working at night, but it sure screws up my sleeping cycle! It's been pretty good this last week because I've had Dave home with me to be able to watch Josh. This coming week though is Dave's first week of school! So now I am just trying to find some babysitters! I need babysitters for only a few hours a week, but I'm nervous to have other people watching Josh! It's a weird feeling!
Anyway, before I started work this week, Dave and I decided to have some fun so we went to Surf-N-Swim here in Layton. It was a lot of fun. I was suprised to see how well Josh did at the pool. We would take turns holding Josh in the pool, and ride the waves. Here are some pictures of Josh and Dave. Josh got so relaxed he fell asleep on Dave. It was so cute!
Today was an exciting day for me. The last week we would go get Josh out of his crib and he'd be laying on his back (he sleeps on his belly...I know I'm a bad mom for letting him sleep on his stomach!). We were so excited to see that he rolls over so we would try to get him to do it on the floor, but he NEVER would do it for us. I guess he just wanted to roll over without letting us see him. Well today after his afternoon nap, I again found him on his back, so I rolled him back over on his belly and he rolled right back onto his back! I was so excited to see him roll! He is 5 1/2 months old and he FINALLY rolled over for me! It was neat to see! It's amazing how fast he is growing! Next thing I know he will be crawling! I don't think I'm ready for that adventure!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Marriage Tag
So one of my friends tagged me...I guess I'll do it!
What is your husbands name? David
•What is your full maiden name? Nicole Fisher
•How long have you been together? 3 1/2 years
•How long did you date? 1 1/2 years
•How old is he? 26
•Who said I love you first? That's a toss up...but I'm pretty sure it was Dave.
•Who is taller? Dave
•Who sings better? Me...Dave doesn't really like to sing, except to Josh...which I don't know if that is considered "singing"!
•Who is smarter? I think we are about even. We've both had to work very hard in school. Common sense!
•Whose temper is worse? Mine for sure!
•Who does the laundry? Mostly I do, but if I need Dave's help he will jump right in and do it! It's great!
•Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dave
•Who pays the bills? Me
•Who mows the lawn? Dave
•Who does the dishes? Pretty even on this one.
•Who cooks dinner? I do, but Dave used to all of the time when I was working.
•Who drives when you are together? Dave does
•Who is more stubborn? Dave is SO much more "silently stubborn" and I am much more "openly" stubborn. Why do you think it took so long for me to get Dave to get rid of his "unibrow"...don't ask!
•Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Pretty even on this one too.
•Who kissed who first? I kissed Dave first...such an embarrasing story.
•Who proposed? He did!
•Who is more sensitive? I am, but Dave is learning!
•Who has more friends? We have about the same amount.
•Who wears the pants in the family? Ummmmmmmm, me?
•How many kids do you want to have? 2 would be good, but one is great for right now. I would love to wait to have another one until Dave is COMPLETLY done with school. So in 3 more years!
Now I tag you....whoever reads it!!!
What is your husbands name? David
•What is your full maiden name? Nicole Fisher
•How long have you been together? 3 1/2 years
•How long did you date? 1 1/2 years
•How old is he? 26
•Who said I love you first? That's a toss up...but I'm pretty sure it was Dave.
•Who is taller? Dave
•Who sings better? Me...Dave doesn't really like to sing, except to Josh...which I don't know if that is considered "singing"!
•Who is smarter? I think we are about even. We've both had to work very hard in school. Common sense!
•Whose temper is worse? Mine for sure!
•Who does the laundry? Mostly I do, but if I need Dave's help he will jump right in and do it! It's great!
•Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dave
•Who pays the bills? Me
•Who mows the lawn? Dave
•Who does the dishes? Pretty even on this one.
•Who cooks dinner? I do, but Dave used to all of the time when I was working.
•Who drives when you are together? Dave does
•Who is more stubborn? Dave is SO much more "silently stubborn" and I am much more "openly" stubborn. Why do you think it took so long for me to get Dave to get rid of his "unibrow"...don't ask!
•Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Pretty even on this one too.
•Who kissed who first? I kissed Dave first...such an embarrasing story.
•Who proposed? He did!
•Who is more sensitive? I am, but Dave is learning!
•Who has more friends? We have about the same amount.
•Who wears the pants in the family? Ummmmmmmm, me?
•How many kids do you want to have? 2 would be good, but one is great for right now. I would love to wait to have another one until Dave is COMPLETLY done with school. So in 3 more years!
Now I tag you....whoever reads it!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New Job
So I finally decided on a new job. I was offered two different jobs (the only 2 I applied for) and I chose the one that paid more and was closer. I chose to work at Davis North Hospital on the medical floor. The cool thing is that I will be trained on each unit (except the ICU and ER) so I can eventually work anywhere in the hospital. I will be working the 3pm to 3am shift/ 3 times per week. I know, I'm nuts doing a shift like that with a baby, but it's much better than working 5pm-5am. I am actually excited to get back to work because I feel like my mind has turned to mush since Josh was born. I like to be challenged and I know it will be good for me.
I am just really sad that I am not one of the lucky mom's who gets to stay home with there baby! Oh well, in just 3 years, I can then stay at home! ONLY 3 YEARS! YUCK! Anyway, you have to do what you have to do, to be able to support your family!
Anyway, so I am officially employed! YIPPEE!
I am just really sad that I am not one of the lucky mom's who gets to stay home with there baby! Oh well, in just 3 years, I can then stay at home! ONLY 3 YEARS! YUCK! Anyway, you have to do what you have to do, to be able to support your family!
Anyway, so I am officially employed! YIPPEE!
Memory time!
I saw this on a few of my friend's blogs and thought it looked like fun. Go on.....leave me a memory!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Happy Birthday to me...I'm OLD!
So this last weekend has been so nice. Since it was my birthday, Dave decided to take some time off. Friday he took a half a day off, so we got to go to the Bountiful temple for our stake temple night. It was so nice to go with Dave. Thank goodness for my sister-in-law Kami for watching Josh. I really appreciated her willingness to watch for Josh. Earlier that day I was able to go to lunch with my best friends from high school, Melisa and Ashly. It was a ton of fun to be with them. We are making it a tradition to go to lunch every month now. Melisa was able to tell us that she is now pregnant with her first! She is due in February. I am so excited for her! Congrats Melisa!
Saturday we were able to go get Dave some glasses so he can see! Dave has awesome insurance through his job right now, so we are taking advantage of it. Then we just stayed at home pretty much the rest of the day! It's nice to hang out together and veg in front of the tv watching the olympics! It's fun!
Sunday we had a big barbeque with my brother Chad and his family. It was so fun to hang out with them. Riley and Braden were a lot of fun to be with! They sure love playing with their uncle Dave! Some time this last weekend we went to the park. It was a lot of fun and Josh loved looking at all of the ducks, swinging on the swings, and just being outdoors. I got some cute pictures of us at the park.
Today, Dave let me use my birthday present (a 1 hour massage) this morning! It was soooooooo nice. I was so relaxed after the massage! It was the best birthday gift ever! After I got home, we decided to go get lunch and go swimming. We went to the Farmington pool for a few hours. Josh did so good! I actually really liked the water. No crying, just a lot of kicking! It was fun. Then tonight we went to dinner with my dad and stepmom Diane to Firehouse pizza in Centerville. YUMMY! That was a restuarant that was in Logan that we now miss! Thank goodness it is close again! I got a free dessert for my birthday! It was a lot of fun! It was a great of the best actually! It has been so great spending the entire weekend, plus Monday, with Dave and Josh. I am so greatful for all the I have! I am truly blessed!
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